Get Started Creating Flashcards

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There are two ways you can create flashcards for your collections, either manually or using AI. You can use both methods in your collections, and you can use any educational materials to make your flashcards, such as:

  • Your own questions and answers
  • Your own true or false statements
  • Class notes or transcriptions
  • Materials given to you in your classes
  • Sections from textbooks or academic papers
The Luna flashcard creation menu, showing the option to create cards manually or generate cards with AI
The Luna flashcard creation menu

Creating Manual Flashcards

To manually create flashcards you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the collection you would like to add flashcards into to open it.
  2. To add flashcards, click the '+New cards' button in the top right-hand corner of the collection menu.
  3. Click 'Create cards manually'.
  4. Choose the type of question you would like to add by choosing the '?' icon for a question and answer, or '✓/x' for a true or false question.
  5. Type in your question and answer, or your true or false statement. For a true or false flashcard make sure you choose if the answer is true or false.
  6. When you're finished, click '+ Save & add another' if you would like to add another card, or 'Save card' if you would like to return to the collection menu.

Creating AI Flashcards

To create flashcards using AI you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the collection you would like to add flashcards into to open it.
  2. To add flashcards, click the '+ New cards' button in the top right-hand corner of the collection menu.
  3. Click 'Generate cards with AI'
  4. Type some notes into the text box in the centre of the screen, or copy and paste sections of your notes or learning materials. When finished, click 'Next' in the top right-hand corner.
  5. The next step is to review the insights from your notes, this allows you to look at the full text and the insights that have been chosen to make your flashcards.
  6. On this screen, you can check information and edit insights, add new insights, and remove any insights you don't want included in your flashcards.
  7. Once you're finished editing, click 'Next' in the top right-hand corner.

    A flashcard with information about plant cells, showing the question and answer generated, the insight it was generated from, and option to change from short question to true or false, or edit the flashcard
    Luna flashcard editing options

  8. After this, you can review your flashcard suggestions! This allows you to look at the true or false statements, or questions and answers that Luna has created, giving you control to check the flashcards and choose the most useful.
  9. On this screen, you can set individual flashcards between types of questions, or set all flashcards to one kind. You can edit questions and answers, add extra information, and remove individual flashcards.
  10. Once you're happy with your flashcards, you can click 'Create cards' in the top right-hand corner, this will create the flashcards and return to the collection menu.
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